Feng Shui for Hawaii Real Estate

Basic Principles of Feng Shui.

I find the concepts of Feng Shui for Hawaii real estate very interesting. I have been interested in Feng Shui for over 20 years, since I purchased my first home in Portland, Oregon in 1998. Feng Shui is the Chinese art of arrangement and creating a harmonious home. Basic concepts of Feng Shui involve the flow of energy or chi through a home, and its relationship to the energy of the occupants. Focus is on the balance of Yin and Yang. The thought is that energy should circulate but not stagnate in a home. It definitely should not go in one door and straight out the other.

The proper application and use of five elements: earth, water, fire, wood and metal is part of Feng Shui. The position of a home on a street, and where water and mountains are as to the home are also important. Map directions of North, South, East, West, etc. are used, with a “map,” called a Bagua. This is used to optimize the position of various rooms in the house. Directional principles also apply to the positioning of furniture to maximize the potential health, wealth and success of a home’s occupants. But the application of Feng Shui is not easy because each individual that lives in a home has their own unique, most beneficial rules to apply.

Corrections in Feng Shui.

If a Feng Shui expert or book tells you that your house has bad Feng Shui, do not fret. One would use a correction or cure where the current environment does not reflect good Feng Shui. Traditional corrections may include the use of mirrors, crystals, plants, fountains, and animal symbolism. There are also Feng Shui practitioners that take a less traditional approach. More modern practitioners focus less on traditional problems and corrections, but more on balance. Decluttering is a fundamental element of the practice of Feng Shui in either case.

I am not an expert in Feng Shui but understand its basic principles, and use them in my home and Oahu real estate work. I’ve found that if a home “feels good,” it usually has good Feng Shui, according to established concepts. If a home feels off, there may be some Feng Shui principles that are out of whack in the house. I don’t know if this is a coincidence or not, but there are many who believe in Feng Shui. My mind is open to it. In most cases, the application of Feng Shui principles certainly does not hurt and very often reflects established good design. I definitely use some of the Feng Shui principles I’ve learned when I stage Hawaii real estate listings.

Books About Feng Shui for Hawaii Real Estate.

I recommend the following books to those interested in learning more about Feng Shui. A few of these books are specific to Feng Shui for Hawaii real estate. The first is Feng Shui for Hawaiiby Clear Englebert. Another, by the same author, is Feng Shui for Hawaii Gardens: The Flow of Chi Energy in the Tropical Landscape. The second book relates not just to plants and landscape, but also the position and siting of a home on its lot.

Another book which reflects a more modern application of Feng Shui principles is Feng Shui That Makes Sense, by Cathleen McCandless. This book is a more design-oriented approach to Feng Shui. I have also read some very traditional books on Feng Shui, also, but the ones I have are out of print. Amazon recommends The Feng Shui Bible: The Definitive Guide to Improving Your Life, Home, Health, and Finances (Volume 4)

Hope this helps you to learn more about Feng Shui for Hawaii Real Estate and that you have many blessings in your home!